Chapter 1 General Stipulation
1. The Association shall be a non-profit making organization which shall be known as Standard Chartered Bank Local Officers’ Association.
2. The registered address of the Association shall be c/o Standard Chartered Bank, 4-4A Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong.
Chapter 2 Objects of the Association
3. The objects of the Association shall be to promote the welfare of its members and to discuss matters regarding improvement of the Bank’s services and staff welfare with the employer.
Chapter 3 Membership
4. Membership is open to any Local Managerial Officer who holds the personal grading of M14 and above and is willing to abide by the Constitution of the Association. An ex-Local Managerial Officer / ex-member may be allowed to join / re-join the Association subject to recommendation of at least 3 existing members and to go through new member approval process.
5. All members shall be entitled to use all the facilities and participate in all social and recreational activities of the Association and shall have the rights to attend the General Meetings or Extraordinary Meetings to elect, propose and vote therein. All members will be entitled to be elected Committee members of the Association and then all elected Committee members can be elected as key position including Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Treasurer.
6. All members of the Association must abide by the Constitution of the Association and the resolutions passed by the General and Extraordinary Meetings and pay the prescribed membership subscriptions.
7. The Committee may expel from the Association a member who commits any one of the following offence:
a. Unauthorized use of the name of the Association thereby causing loss to the Association or impairing its reputation.
b. Failure to pay membership fee.
c. Conviction of a serious criminal offence.
Chapter 4 Organization and Functions and Power
8. The supreme authority of the Association shall be vested with the General Meeting, during recess of which the Committee shall be the executive organ.
9. The Committee shall comprise 9 members who shall be elected in the Annual General Meeting. Voting can be in person or by writing signed by the member. The Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary(ies) and Treasurer(s) who shall be elected among the 9 members themselves.
10. If the Chairperson vacates his / her office, he / she shall be succeeded by the Vice-Chairperson. If the post of Vice-Chairperson, Secretary(ies) or Treasurer(s) is vacant, such post shall be taken over by any Committee member elected from among themselves.
11. All the Committee members shall serve gratis. Their tenure of office shall be two years but they shall be eligible for re-election.
12. Proceedings in the Annual General Meeting:
a. To decide on the policies of the Association and on any innovation which the Association may require.
b. To elect the new office-bearers.
c. To adopt the financial report of the Association.
13. Functions and Powers of the Committee:
a. To implement the resolution passed by the General and Extraordinary General Meetings.
b. To prepare the Budget.
c. To attend to the daily affairs of the Association.
d. To make recommendation to the General Meetings.
14. Functions and Powers of the various Committee members:
a. The Chairperson shall represent the Association, direct the various officers in their work, take overall charge of the work of the Association and preside over all meetings.
b. The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in his / her work and act for him / her when the Chairperson is absent, on leave, or he / she vacated his / her office.
c. The secretary shall attend to all secretarial works of the Association.
d. The Treasurer shall take charge of the financial matters of the Association. He / she shall make financial reports to the Committee and an annual financial report to the Annual General Meetings.
Chapter 5 The Meetings
15.The Annual General Meetings shall be held annually and shall be convened by the Chairperson. Members shall be notified of the Meeting 7 days in advance in writing. The quorum of the meeting shall be formed by 25% of the total members. If the quorum cannot be formed at the first convocation the meeting shall be adjourned and be held within 21 days. For the second convocation, the members shall be notified of the meetings 7 days in advance in writing.
16. If necessary, an Extraordinary Meeting may be held upon the request of either a majority of the Committee members or over 10% of the total members of the Association, who shall raise such a request to the Chairperson in writing, bearing the signatures. Upon the receipt of such a request, the Chairperson shall convene the meeting within two weeks. Quorum of the meeting and way of notifying the members shall be the same as that of the Annual General Meeting. However, discussions held and resolutions passed at the meeting shall be confined to only those points listed in the requisition.
17. The Committee members shall hold a regular meeting bimonthly. The quorum of the Meeting shall be formed by 50% of the Committee members, and they shall be notified of the meeting 7 days in advance in writing.
18. If both the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, those Committee members present shall elect from among themselves an interim Chairperson to preside over the meeting.
19. Motions at all meetings shall be carried by the approval of over half of all those present. If a tie occurs in voting, the Chairperson of the meeting shall put in his / her casting vote for the decision.
Chapter 6 The Election
20. The Committee members shall be elected once every two years by secret ballot, before the Annual General Meeting every term, the Secretary shall distribute to each member a form in which the member is requested to nominate Committee members. The result will be announced at the Annual General Meeting. If a tie occurs in votes, the decision shall be made by drawing lots.
Chapter 7 Funds of the Association
21. Sources of the funds –annual membership fees collected from the members. The fee collection methods and channels may be changed subject to resolution passed at the Committee meeting.
22. The members shall pay a membership fee of HK$360 annually.
23. Funds of the Association shall be deposited with a bank. Withdrawals from the bank account require two signatures among the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary(ies) and the Treasurer(s), one of which must be the Treasurer. Apart from the recurrent expenditures, monthly extra-ordinary expenses totalling HK$1,000.00 may be approved by the Chairperson. If the sum exceeds H$1,000.00, approval from the executive Committee shall be obtained before the money may be used.
Chapter 8 Debts and Liabilities
24. In case the Association shall be involved in any debts or liabilities, it shall be the responsibility of all the Committee members of the term in which such debts or liabilities are incurred to meet the debts or liabilities.
Chapter 9 Appendix
25. In case the Association dissolves, the decision shall be made in the General or Extraordinary Meeting and be assented to be over 50% of all the members. Any remaining assets of the Association upon its dissolution shall be donated to local charitable organization.
26. Any amendment to this Constitution shall be passed by the General or Extraordinary Meeting before it comes into effect. Updated records shall be sent to the Police Licensing Office, Hong Kong Police Force for filing.
(v. Mar 2023)
Agree and Accept SCBLOA Constitution
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.